
Our last Neighborhood Association meeting of the year is coming up next Tuesday, October 24th, one week from today. As always, we’ll be meeting in the fellowship hall at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church at the corner of Barton Hills Drive and Barton Skyway. Social hour with light snacks starts at 6:00 PM and the meeting starts at 7:00. Please plan to join us if you can!

On the agenda this month: Barbara McArthur from Community Not Commodity will be discussing the implications of the proposed Land Development Code (LDC) and zoning changes that city council are currently trying to push through. We heard a lot about this from our councilperson Ryan Alter at our last meeting in July, shortly after these proposals were announced. This time we’re going to hear from an expert in the field with a different perspective, one which I personally feel is more realistic and truthful, but please come listen to her speak, ask questions, and make up your own mind.

We’ll also have updates on the Barton Hills Community Park, Greenbelt Guardians, and our Community Wildfire Protection Plan, and we’ll be electing 2024 BHNA officers.


Tuesday October 24, 2023
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall

6:00 Social hour and snacks
7:00 Call to order
7:05 Introductions and announcements 7:10 Approval of July 2023 meeting minutes 7:12 Treasurer’s report

7:15 Committee reports Community Park

Emergency Preparedness – BH Wildfire Management Plan Greenbelt Guardians

7:20 Election of 2024 BHNA officers

7:25 Caritas presentation – Jo Kathryn Quinn, CEO

7:35 Committee on Area Development
Presentation and discussion on proposed LDC and zoning changes – Barbara McArthur, Community Not Commodity

9:00 Adjourn


Stan Ostrum
Vice-President, BHNA