Here’s the agenda for tonight’s BHNA meeting:
Tuesday January 23, 2024
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall
6:00 Social hour and snacks
7:00 Call to order
7:05 Introductions and announcements
7:10 Approval of Nov 2024 special meeting minutes
7:12 Treasurer’s report
7:15 Committee reports
Barton Hills Community Park
Oak Wilt Prevention
Greenbelt Guardians
7:25 Emergency Preparedness – update on BH Wildfire Prevention Plan
7:40 Committee on Area Development – HOME initiative discussion
8:15 Adjourn
Please join us in person if you can. Social hour with snacks starts at 6:00 PM, so come out early and visit. The meeting itself will begin at 7:00.
Alternatively, you can view tonight’s proceedings via Zoom by registering in advance here: After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.
We’ll be talking about the city’s HOME initiative, both the part that already passed and the 2nd part that’s coming this spring We’ll also have an update on the Barton Hills Wildfire Protection Plan and the community risk assessment that AFD has completed, along with the usual reports from our other committees. No special guests, big presentations, or resolutions to debate this time, so we’re planning to wrap up a little earlier than usual.
See you tonight!
Stan Ostrum
BHNA President