For timely notification about events and alerts concerning Barton Hills, subscribe to the Barton Hills Neighborhood Association email list and group service, hosted on
The BHNA email list and group service allows you to read, send, and reply to messages from other Association members who subscribe. The purpose of this group is to support better communication among neighborhood residents on topics of importance and interest to the neighborhood. It is also the official communications channel for the Barton Hills Neighborhood Association.
List server subscription is voluntary and limited to Association members.
This group is for the benefit of the members of the BHNA. To subscribe, you must first be a member of the Association. The subscription list is confidential and may not be released to non-members without permission of the Executive Committee.
When you join the BHNA, you should receive an invitation to join the email list. You can remove yourself from the list at any time.
How to subscribe
Please make sure your membership dues are current, then send your request to:
Be sure to include your name and street address so that your membership can be verified. All subscription requests are verified prior to approval.
Group Email Messages– send email to the following addresses to:
- Post:
- Subscribe:
- Unsubscribe:
- Contact the group owner:
Group Web Addresses – go here to:
- Post, read, and search archived messages online:
This is the group homepage where you can also access photos, files, and other content. - Change your settings:
How do I reduce the number of messages ?
Use the link above to change your subscription settings. You can opt to receive: all messages in individual emails, collections of messages in a digest, a daily summary, or only special notices.
Questions about the email list? Problems getting started? Need to change your address?
Send an email message for help to: Please be sure to include your name and street address so that we can confirm your membership.