Fasten your seatbelts…
We have a very busy agenda for tomorrow night and it’s our last meeting of the year so bring family and friends for the final hootenanny of 2009!
Pizza/pasta/salad dinner starts around 6 pm-$6 for all you can eat. Please come and stay for the meeting, if possible, as we will be voting on new officers for next year and discussing many city agency updates plus a few new neighborhood/development issues that have popped up recently.
Look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!
Kimberly White Erlinger
President, Barton Hills Neighborhood Association
General Meeting Agenda
October 20, 2009
7:00 PM Welcome/Opening Remarks
7:05 Approval of Minutes/Approval of Treasurer’s report
7:10 2010 BHNA Officer Elections
(Proposed slate:
President, Wendy Papasan
Vice-President, Penley McQueen
Treasurer: John Morgan
Austin Neighborhood Council Rep: Kay Killen
Other positions TBD-Consider Volunteering!)
7:20 Update, discussion and vote on Barton Springs median project donation-Mary Campbell
7:30 Greenbelt Guardian Update, including Betty Brown/Homedale Sign-Glee Ingram
7:40 Development Update, including new Waterfront Overlay resolution and Red’s Porch-Peter Hess, Melissa Hawthorne, Nan Clayton
7:50 Drive-By Museum Information-Joe Gieselman and Steve Dubov
8:00 Capital Metro Update-Alissa Schram
8:10 City Animal Shelter Update-David Lurie
8:20 Open Forum, if time permits