Blues on the Green 2018 Information


  • May 23 (rain date June 6), 8-10 PM
  • June 13 (rain date June 20), 8-10 PM
  • July 18 (rain date July 25), 8-10 PM
  • August 8 (rain date August 15), 8-10 PM


  • Zilker Metropolitan Park – Great Lawn. Park remains open, unfenced.



  • A safety closure is enacted at night after 9 pm on Barton Springs Road to help quickly exit patrons from the site. The safety closure opens no later than 11 pm.
  • Closure area is Barton Springs from Mopac to Sterzing.

Dedicated APD officers are patrolling and ticketing the event and surrounding area.

Parking Restrictions ARE in effect. Planned zones are included in the following areas:

  • Zilker Neighborhood
  • Barton Hills Neighborhood


  • Phone number for parking violations: 311

City of Austin Event Information PDF (including event information, parking map, no parking map, road closure map, contact information)

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April 24 General Meeting Agenda

The Executive Committee of the Barton Hills Neighborhood Association invites you to our next Association meeting that will be held at St. Marks Church on April 24th-please see the agenda below for times and specifics. This will be a very interesting meeting with special guests and new faces.

April 24, 2018 St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall

6:00 Social hour, dinner from Rockin Tomato, $10.
7:00 Call to order
7:05 Brief announcements, including Membership Summary
7:10 Approval of January 23, 2018 meeting minutes
7:12 Treasurer’s report
7:15 Committee reports:

  • By-Laws Committee – Mark Gentle
  • Neighborhood Watch – Eric Arenson
  • Greenbelt Guardians – Stan Ostrum
  • Area Development – Peter Hess
  • Austin Neighborhoods Council Report – David Poisson
  • Park Committee-Roy Smithers

7:30 Nia Henry and Captain Josh Anderson, Austin Fire Department
8:00 Barbara McArthur and Micheal Curry on CodeNEXT and the impact of latest edition on Barton Hills Neighborhood
8:30 Adjourn

PLEASE JOIN US FOR DINNER-MAKE A RESERVATION- We are requesting that everyone planning to attend the social hour dinner please advise us BY APRIL 20TH so we can better manage the purchase of the meals. Please reply to advise us that you will attend the dinner.

See you at the meeting, and please remember to pay your dues for 2018!

Mark Gentle
President, Barton Hills Neighborhood Association


Greenbelt Guardians logo

Guardians of the Greenbelt,

Our next workday is on Saturday March 03, the Austin Parks Foundation’s spring “It’s My Park Day”. We’ll be working from 9:00 – 12:00 at the Barton Creek Greenbelt Homedale access, 2010 Homedale Drive. Along with our partners from Austin Parks and Rec, we’ll be doing lots of invasive plant removal, some runoff management and trail repairs, and the usual trimming, weeding, graffiti removal, and trash pick up in the area.

Registration has been open for a while, but we can still use more volunteers. Please go to APF’s website here to sign up for our project. You can also reply to Stan or Glee using the email links below if you have any questions or problems with online registration.

As usual, we’ll have breakfast tacos for everyone and water to refill your bottles. We have tasks that are appropriate for a wide range of ages and skill sets. Kids are welcome, but younger ones will need to bring a parent along with them, and anyone under 18 will need a parent or guardian to sign the waiver. We’ll provide the team leaders and tools needed for all of the tasks. Please bring a water bottle, a pair of work gloves (if you have them), and wear closed-toe shoes. Long pants and long sleeves will also help to protect against poison ivy.

We’re looking forward to another good workday and hoping that a lot of you can join us!

Stan Ostrum

Glee Ingram

© 2024 Barton Hills Neighborhood Association
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