
The Barton Hills Neighborhood Association has scheduled a special meeting for next Tuesday November 14th at 7:00 PM at St. Mark’s church to address the zoning and land development code changes (HOME initiative) that our city council is currently trying to push through.

Austin certainly needs affordable housing, but these proposals are just another big present to developers that the rest of us will end up paying for with higher taxes and a lower quality of life.

I’m not sure if the city is listening to us anymore, but they certainly won’t listen if we don’t say anything.

Please join us on Tuesday to discuss these issues and consider the attached resolution (revised 11/13/23), written by Larry Akers, opposing the proposed changes.

We need to do what we can to protect our neighborhood and the community that we’ve built from being completely destroyed by our city leaders’ insatiable appetite for growth and their misguided belief that if we just build enough, some of it will be affordable.


Stan Ostrum
BHNA VP, acting president


BHNA Meeting Tuesday, October 24



Our last Neighborhood Association meeting of the year is coming up next Tuesday, October 24th, one week from today. As always, we’ll be meeting in the fellowship hall at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church at the corner of Barton Hills Drive and Barton Skyway. Social hour with light snacks starts at 6:00 PM and the meeting starts at 7:00. Please plan to join us if you can!

On the agenda this month: Barbara McArthur from Community Not Commodity will be discussing the implications of the proposed Land Development Code (LDC) and zoning changes that city council are currently trying to push through. We heard a lot about this from our councilperson Ryan Alter at our last meeting in July, shortly after these proposals were announced. This time we’re going to hear from an expert in the field with a different perspective, one which I personally feel is more realistic and truthful, but please come listen to her speak, ask questions, and make up your own mind.

We’ll also have updates on the Barton Hills Community Park, Greenbelt Guardians, and our Community Wildfire Protection Plan, and we’ll be electing 2024 BHNA officers.


Tuesday October 24, 2023
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall

6:00 Social hour and snacks
7:00 Call to order
7:05 Introductions and announcements 7:10 Approval of July 2023 meeting minutes 7:12 Treasurer’s report

7:15 Committee reports Community Park

Emergency Preparedness – BH Wildfire Management Plan Greenbelt Guardians

7:20 Election of 2024 BHNA officers

7:25 Caritas presentation – Jo Kathryn Quinn, CEO

7:35 Committee on Area Development
Presentation and discussion on proposed LDC and zoning changes – Barbara McArthur, Community Not Commodity

9:00 Adjourn


Stan Ostrum
Vice-President, BHNA


The following information was provided by the City of Austin and C3 Presents to help our neighborhood prepare for the upcoming Austin City Limits Music Festival:

ACL Music Festival will take place over two consecutive weekends: Friday, Oct. 6th through Sunday, Oct. 8th; and Friday, Oct. 13th through Sunday, Oct. 15th, from noon to 10 PM on Friday, and 11 AM to 10 PM on Saturday/Sunday.

The event will significantly affect area traffic conditions and public recreational use of the park on both load in/out and event days. Neighborhood NO PARKING restrictions are in effect. Signed “no parking areas” are actively enforced only on event days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). The ACL Festival web site offers extensive information about transportation to/from the event.

Azie Morton (between Barton Hills Drive and Barton Springs Road) will be closed from 11 AM to 11:59 PM each day of the festival. Barton Springs Road through Zilker Park will be closed starting Thursday at 8 PM until 11:59 PM on Sunday, both weekends. No vehicular traffic will be allowed on Barton Springs Road from South Lamar to Sterzing from 9 PM to 11 PM both weekends.  For load in/out Barton Springs Road will have varying lane closures on Saturday, Sept. 30 and Monday, Oct. 2 through Thursday, Oct. 5 and Monday, Oct. 16 through Wednesday, Oct. 18.

The maps linked below offer a high-level overview of the scheduled street closures and transportation options for patrons to travel to Zilker Park from outside the surrounding neighborhoods. Please visit the city event pages for detailed park access maps.

Barton Springs Pool is open at all times during normal hours. During Festival days parking is protected at the south gate lot off Azie Morton Rd. for pool swimmers. In addition, Auditorium Shores will be open at all times for general and off-leash use.




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