Barton Hills Neighborhood Association Officer Elections
The Association’s Executive Committee Officer’s elections are traditionally held at the October Neighborhood Meeting for the open positions. – The positions are very rewarding and actually have a calendar rhythm that is pretty straightforward. There are times when large community issues are on the table and more time is required for a better tomorrow for everyone.
This year a number of positions are open for nomination and election.
The President presides over the quarterly BHNA Meeting and works with the Executive Committee to set the agenda for each meeting. There usually is also an Executive Committee Meeting a few weeks before so everyone involved in the Subcommittees all get their needs met, visions forward, and a general sense of camaraderie as we all are a Team. The President also participates in the broader community – such as coordinating with PARD on Events and what we can do to make it better (this could also be done by a designee), make sure the Newsletter goes out on time, write a President’s Message. Best of all, you get to have a great parade every year and carry the Picnic in the Park tradition forward.
There are a few times a year it’s important to be focused and get the tasks at hand done, but other than that it really is very simple and fulfilling.
The important part is to ask for help or delegate…realize it’s a volunteer position. If you have your heart in the right place folks know it. Most folks will be supportive.
The Vice President is Keeper of the Membership and the Barton Hills IO Group. The busiest time of year for the VP is January and February. Our dues are due every year on January 1st. The forms and notations of payments need to get processed, but for the rest of the year it’s more of a weekly job of upkeep. The Vice President welcomes folks at the BHNA Meetings and checks dues status, and is the gatekeeper and moderator of the listserve. Very rarely does the Moderator have to remind everyone to be kind or perhaps help guide people to a better place.
The Treasurer position – the primary duties for the Treasurer are to manage the associations checking and PayPal accounts and to make deposits of all income and pay for all association expenses.
The main source of income comes from:
The main source of expenses comes from:
Most of the financial activities – receiving of checks and making deposits – takes place during the first quarter (January – March) when members renew their annual memberships. The balance of the year deals mostly with the receipt and deposit of advertising checks.
Every quarter the treasurer needs to put together an account statement for the board meeting. A template for this already exists.
Recording Secretary keeps an accurate record of all business of the Association, including regularly scheduled and special called meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee. This officer shall also be responsible for the accumulation and maintenance of the central permanent file of such records.
Corresponding Secretary is also known as Newsletter Editor, Newsletter Graphic Designer, and Community Partnerships Coordinator. These folks go hand in hand. The Newsletter Editor gets to do the art and article portion of the Newsletter. Newsletter Graphic Designer – makes the content beautiful, our template is in Indesign (but that could be changed), and coordinates getting it to the printer and getting it to your doors. The Community Partnerships Coordinator does the sponsorship drive for the BHNA needs (such as the Newsletter and Parade Sponsors).
ANC Representative attends meetings of the Austin Neighborhood Council and on a regular basis, either through the quarterly newsletter or at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Association, or both, report any significant activities or action taken by the Council.
We also need a Membership Outreach Subcommittee Chair. That wonderful person that helps bring us things like the Spring Fling, Picnic in the Park, July 4th Parade.
Subcommittees and other interests
Melissa Hawthorne
Barton Hills Neighborhood Association
October 25, 2022
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall
6:00 Social Hour, optional dinner $10, sit and enjoy each other’s company
7:00 – Call to Order
7:05 – Brief Announcements
7:10 – Approval of the Minutes
7:12 – Elections
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary (Newsletter)
Community Partnerships Coordinator
Austin Neighborhoods Council Delegate
Subcommittees and things of interest
· Neighborhood Watch
· Membership Outreach (The Parade)
· Area Development
· Greenbelt Guardians
· Barton Hills Park and Planters
· Emergency Preparedness
· Oak Wilt
8:00 – Brodie Oaks Site Presentation
8:30 – Other business brought to the floor by membership.
9:00 – Adjourn
Melissa Hawthorne
BHNA President