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Dear neighbors and friends of the Barton Creek Greenbelt,

Due to COVID restrictions, we haven’t been able to hold a workday since February of last year. Now that things have eased up a little, we’re coming out of hibernation with a double-header for the Austin Parks Foundation’s It’s My Park Day – Fall event on Saturday November 06, 2021.

We’ll be working at both the Gus Fruh AND Homedale entrances from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Collins Van Nort will lead the Homedale project and focus on invasive plant removal. I’ll be leading the project at Gus Fruh focusing on trail maintenance.

Please note that these are 2 separate projects, each with a limit of 25 participants. Sign up soon to reserve your spot. Since space is limited though, please don’t register until you’re certain you’re coming and be sure to let us know if you need to cancel.

Registration is open now!

For more information and to register for the Gus Fruh project, please go here.

For more information and to register for the Homedale project, please go here

Thanks in advance to those of you who volunteer, we look forward to seeing you soon!

In other news:

Glee Ingram, who started the Greenbelt Guardians in 2003 and has been overseeing our activities ever since, recently let me know that she’s now officially retired from active duty. It’s been my privilege and pleasure to be her assistant for all these years, so I’ll be carrying on as coordinator, Glee will become founder and coordinator emeritus, and we’ll be looking for one or more new assistants to take on a formal role in keeping the Greenbelt Guardians going. Please let me know if you’re interested.

Our website at has been updated for the first time in a while. I still need to upload the photos from a couple of previous workdays, but everything else should be up to date now including information on the upcoming projects.

The Austin Parks Foundation notified me last week that contract invasive species removal work with the Texas Conservation Corps would be resuming on the Barton Creek Greenbelt in January. We have almost $40K in our TCEQ SEP account that is dedicated to this work, so we’ll coordinate with APF and TXCC to schedule and fund another project as soon as possible.

Thanks to everyone who has supported us over the years in one way or another, we wouldn’t still be here without you!

Stan Ostrum
Greenbelt Guardians