The Barton Hills Neighborhood Association is meeting this Tuesday evening, January 28, in the Parish Hall at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Social hour with snacks begins at 6:00 PM and the meeting itself will start at 7:00. Please join us if you can!
Tuesday January 28, 2024
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall
6:00 Social Hour and snacks
7:00 Call to order
7:05 Introductions and announcements
- Oak Wilt season is in effect from February 1 through June 30
- Proposal to reconstruct the bridge over Barton Creek on Barton Springs Rd.
7:10 Approval of the October 2024 meeting minutes
7:15 Treasurer’s report
7:20 Committee Reports
- Barton Skyway Mural Committee – Shavonne Otaro from the City of Austin
- ANC Update – Worthy LaFollette
- Emergency Preparedness—Craig Smith RE: Firewise Application
- Other Committees Updates
8:10 On Demand Transit – Presentation by Larry Akers
9:00 Adjourn